INDEXImproper Payments - 32, 33, 37Import Controls - 35Insider Trading - 52Intellectual Property - 48, 56Internal Controls - 12, 53, 57Internal Investigations - 53Internet Usage - 24, 56Investments - 44, 49, 52KKickbacks - 32, 33, 37LLawsuits and Claims - 65, 67Lobbying - 63MManager Responsibilities - 11 Media Inquires - 64, 67Mission, Vision, Values Statement - 3, 8, 9 Money Laundering - 52PPatents - 48, 56Political Activities - 62, 63, 67Political Contributions - 62, 63Price Fixing - 30, 31, 36Privacy and Personal Data - 20, 24Product Safety and Quality - 25, 28Promoting Respect and Dignity - 16, 22Proprietary Information - 28, 29, 47, 55Protecting Corporate Assets - 41-57QQuality Control - 25, 28IRRecords - 24, 47, 50, 53, 57Retaliation - 11Recycling - 66SSafety - 17, 18, 23, 25, 28Second Jobs - 44Sexual Harassment - 16, 22Suppliers - 11, 17-18, 30, 34, 37, 43-47, 54Social Media - 49, 56, 64Structured Payments - 52Structured Transactions - 52TThird Parties or Agents - 32-34, 37, 47-49, 65Tipping - 52Trade Associations - 30-31Trade Restrictions - 35, 39Trade Secrets - 29, 45Trademarks - 48, 56UUse of Company Resources - 48, 55VViolence - 18, 23Volunteer Work - 60-61WWeapons - 18Where To Go For Help - 12Workplace Safety - 17-18, 2369
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