
BRIDGESTONE INTEGRITY IN OUR COMMUNITIESQ: I am working on a campaign to re-elect our city’s mayor and need to attend a fundraiser that is happening during work hours. This is a personal interest and does not involve the Company. Can I go if I get my supervisor’s permission?A: Yes. However, the time off cannot be charged to the company. You’ll have to use personal time to attend this event.Q: I am running for public office. I want to use the office copier to make copies of my campaign flyer. Is that okay?A: No. Company property and equipment may not be used for a political purpose without authorization from the Law Department. Running for any public office is a political purpose.Q: A lawyer telephoned me at the office recently and asked me questions about Bridgestone. He said his law firm was working for us on a big case and needed the information fast. Should I have answered his questions?A: No. Before disclosing any confidential information about Bridgestone, you should ensure that: (1) you know precisely to whom the information is being disclosed and why the person requires the information; and (2) you have permission from the Law Department to disclose the information.Q: I work on the second shift at a Bridgestone plant. A reporter called me at home asking for my comments about a change in our production schedule. I know the answer to his question. Can I tell him what he wanted to know?A: No. You should not answer any questions about Bridgestone’s business from reporters. Refer calls from the media to the Communications Department or other person in your organization designated to handle media inquiries. They will determine how to respond and if your involvement is required.67Corporate and Personal Political ActivitiesGovernment, Media and Other Inquiries

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