
Bridgestone’s success and credibility in the global marketplace depend on the accuracy and completeness of its financial and business records. Moreover, Bridgestone Corporation, as a publicly-traded company, must disclose certain important business information periodically. Accurate business records provide a foundation for wise business decisions. Incomplete or inaccurate records will lead to poor decision-making and can place Bridgestone at financial and legal risk.Whether you are completing time cards, expense reports, financial statements, disclosure statements, testing reports, quality control records or other business records, take extra care to ensure that each and every document you prepare or review is complete and accurate.50BRIDGESTONE INTEGRITY IN OUR DAILY WORK LIVESFalse or misleading entries in financial statements, disclosure statements or other business records are prohibited. Strict compliance with generally accepted accounting principles is required. No undisclosed or unrecorded funds or assets, or other off-book accounts, are to be established for any purpose. If you are unsure how to record a financial transaction, don’t guess. Ask for help from a manager in the Finance, Accounting or Internal Audit departments.Never authorize payment of company funds without proper documentation, or with the knowledge that all or part of the payment will be used for any purpose other than the purpose described in the supporting documents.Never conceal, alter or otherwise tamper with company records. Retain and destroy documents only in accordance with applicable law and your location’s records management policy.Integrity of Records, Disclosures and Financial Reports

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