
Bridgestone is a strong competitor in the marketplace. We may play hard, but we always play fair and by the rules. We win on the merits.Be careful. Antitrust and competition laws are tricky. Simple things like a careless conversation with an old friend over lunch or over a break at a trade association meeting can violate the law. The penalties can include prison time for employees and steep fines for companies.30a competitor.• Divide customers, markets or territories with a competitor.• Agree with competitors to limit production.• Agree with competitors to not deal with suppliers or customers.BRIDGESTONE INTEGRITY IN THE MARKETPLACEAlways consult with the Law Department before acting as Bridgestone’s representative at a trade association to ensure proper review of the association’s policies and practices. Always review available guidance or seek advice from the Law Department prior to other dealings with competitors. And immediately report any potentially prohibited communications by a competitor to a member of the Law Department.Remember: Bridgestone has antitrust and competition training available for all its employees. If you have not received training recently, don’t wait. Contact the Law Department for assistance.• Discuss with competitors or otherwise tamper with a competitive bidding process (i.e., engage in “bid rigging”).• Share confidential company information with a competitor, including information received from customers.• Agree with another employer not to recruit certain job candidates or not to compete on terms of compensation.Free and Fair CompetitionYOU MUST NOT• Agree on or discuss prices or related terms of sale with

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