
The rules and expectations set forth in this Code not only apply to all Bridgestone employees worldwide, they also serve as a set of expectations for the suppliers and contractors who work with us in all our locations. Share these expectations with our suppliers and contractors. Explain their importance.You work in a small department. You want to report misconduct, but are afraid that if you contact the BridgeLine everyone will know and find subtle ways to get back at you. Does the company really prohibit this sort of retaliation?Retaliation is a deliberate adverse action against an employee for making a report in good faith. Examples of retaliation include firing or demoting an employee, removing an employee from a project, and verbally or physically threatening an employee who has reported, threatened to report, or otherwise taken action to address conduct that is illegal or inconsistent with this Code or any policy in your location.Bridgestone prohibits retaliation when business conduct or ethical issues are reported in good faith.Absolutely. We understand that retaliation can take many forms. The company does not tolerate any forms of retaliation. If you believe you are being retaliated against for raising a good-faith concern, reach out to any of the contacts listed in “Where to Go for Help” (page 12).BRIDGESTONE INTEGRITY IN ACTION11Our Expectations for Suppliers and ContractorsFrom the FieldRetaliation is Prohibited

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